Race, Gender, and Science in the Atlantic world

    Students will identify a paper topic and research question that are informed by the readings specific to this course. Papers should demonstrate students’ ability to secure and analyze primary source materials and to engage secondary source scholars. Handwritten papers will not be accepted. A late paper will be penalized half a letter grade for every day that it is late. Papers should be 10-15 pages or more in length.

    Each paper also must have a clearly defined thesis statement that appears in the first or second paragraph of the paper. A thesis statement succinctly provides the reader with the argument and the subject of the paper. The paper also must include primary source material.

    For more guidance on how to write a thesis statement view:


    Please Note: For the purposes of writing papers, the use of Wikipedia, answers.com, and other similar non-scholarly websites is prohibited. You may also refer to scholarly books and articles secured via the online databases JSTOR and Project Muse.

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