Questions again

    Topic: Questions again

    Order Description
    Questions 1 2 3
    1. Consensus or Conflict Chapter 11
    Answer question in at least 125 words
    Answe How might external environment factors shape a consensus or create conflict among an organization’s departmental missions, objectives, and goals? How do
    conflicting departmental goals and competing budgetary interests affect a business plan?
    Bateman, N. (2012). The Business of Nurse Management: A Toolkit for Success. New York, NY: Springer.
    2. Process Change Chapter 5

    Answer question in at least 125 words
    Think about your organization. Determine one thing that needs to be changed. What is that process? How would you initiate this change including presenting it for
    approval? What is the nurse administrator role in this process? Please use absentee as something I widh yo change.

    Healey, B. J., & Marchese, M. C. (2012). Foundations of Heath Care Management: Principles and Methods. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Wiley.
    3. Effective Leadership Chapter 3
    Answer question in at least 125 words
    “Exceptional leadership is needed to transform an organization from a bureaucracy to a learning organization” (Maccoby, 2013, 36). An organizations leadership speaks
    mountains about how they plan and implement a change throughout the facility. A brief description of the difference between leadership and management was layed out in
    the chapter. It is imperative for leadership to understand that they cannot function alone. They are not considered a leader without individuals to follow. Thus, with
    implementing a change process it is imperative to collaborate and gain trust to persuade others to agree to follow them.
    Maccoby, M., Norman, C. L., Norman, C. J., & Margolies, R. (2013). Transforming Health Care Leadership: A Systems Guide to Improve Patient Care, Decrease Costs, and
    Improve Population Health. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Wiley.
    4 Modes of Production Xhapter 2
    Answer question in at least 125 words
    Maccoby, Norman, Norman, and Margolies (2013) discuss in chapter 2 how the mode of production and delivery systems of hospitals today are outdated and need to be
    changed. In Table 2.1 on page 17, is a description of Modes of Production in Health Care. Which of these modes best describes your organization? How will you use this
    information as you plan your change project? Will the model of change be helpful as a foundation for changing your organization?
    Maccoby, M., Norman, C. L., Norman, C. J., & Margolies, R. (2013). Transforming Health Care Leadership: A Systems Guide to Improve Patient Care, Decrease Costs, and
    Improve Population Health. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Wiley.

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