quantitative methods and analysis


    1. Identify a qualitative research paper from a high quality journal (if you do not understand that, consult your supervisor for advice on appropriate papers if necessary.) The paper must be an

    empirical paper – one that generates primary or fresh data through qualitative research practice – and must make use of qualitative methods (not quantitative methods). This excludes research

    based on already
    published data sets, conceptual or theoretical papers and papers that have used quantitative methods and analysis – and that includes surveys.
    2. You are to examine and critically evaluate the paper and prepare a critique of it that gives special emphasis to the methodology used for the studies. Do not critique the whole paper only

    insofar as it bears on methodology and research design.
    3. Before you critique the paper, it is suggested that you consider what quality criteria are relevant and that you will employ to conduct the analysis and critique. You should include a short

    section that outlines that consideration and establishes the criteria. The authors of the article may, of course, address quality criteria themselves.
    4. In considering a critique you should address: (a) the overall research design and whether that is clearly specified in the paper; (b) whether the methods are properly explained; (c) extent to

    which the research meets the quality criteria for effective research practice; (d) the advantages and disadvantages of the methods; (e) whether the authors discuss the limits and significance of

    the work; (f) some overall comments on the appropriateness and strength of the methods used.
    5. You should use, cite and reference methodology-related sources to substantiate your comments: for example “The focus group design is considered to be a weak basis for generalisation

    6. It is vital that you critically evaluate and assess how well the article applies and reports the method. A critique is not simply a summary of the article.
    7. Write up your assessment and submit via Turnitin.
    Marking Criteria for Methodological Critique: Extent to which paper matches the criteria Not at all A little Adequate Very well Exceptional
    Establishment of criteria to critique the article 25
    Identifies the features/criteria for excellence generally expected in an article of the chosen design
    Provides a succinct discussion about why those features are important
    Evaluation of article 60
    Outlines the design (methodology) and method of the paper in a clear and concise manner
    Discusses whether the article demonstrates the features/criteria for excellence as established above
    Evaluates the quality of the features that are present
    Assessment of author’s discussion of limitations arising from the method, and their implications
    General comments on the appropriateness and strength of the method
    Demonstrates critical thinking (evaluates, synthesises and articulates a response to the ideas)
    Academic Writing Requirements 7.5
    The writing is clear, concise with correct spelling and grammar.
    Each paragraph introduces and develops a specific point.
    Referencing 7.5
    Sources used are adequately and accurately referenced throughout the paper.
    The reference list is presented consistently and accurately.
    TOTAL 100%

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