Quantitative analysis

    1b. Quantitative analysis (1200 words)

    You have been given a data set to analyse for this piece of work that you will download.
    Data to be downloaded for assessment
    Attached Files:
    • SF12 assessment data11415.sav (9.449 KB)

    You are required to write TWO sections. Failure to address the assignment in its entirety often leads to failure of the task.

    Section A
    ? Write up the findings and present data that addresses the objectives of the research study.
    ? You should present data in the style of a results section in a journal article (500 words).
    ? Tables and Figures will not form part of the word count. You should NOT discuss the findings.
    ? You will be given an exemplar article that you should use as a guide for how to present results for an academic audience.

    Section B
    This should demonstrate your theoretical and practical understanding about the analytical processes and statistical techniques drawing on section 1 to illustrate your points. You should discuss including the following issues (700 words).

    ? Importance of levels of measurement in statistical theory
    ? Understanding of probability and statistical significance
    ? How to choose statistical tests and theory about the tests
    ? Understanding of the assumptions of parametric tests
    ? You will also produce a Harvard reference list to support this section

    Criteria for marking the quantitative analysis:
    • Demonstrate the ability to present, interpret, and summarise the results of the analysis in an appropriate form (50%).
    • Demonstrate understanding and application of statistical principles (50%)
    Systematic approach to analysis; demonstrates good understanding of use of statistical methods.
    Clear and appropriate description of procedures and tests.
    Work demonstrates good skills in analysis and interpretation of quantitative data; excellent concise academic presentation of results.
    Thorough ability to discuss and apply statistical theory with reference to literature, illustrating points by reference to results.

    Description of the Quantitative study:
    A questionnaire) was given to all postgraduate students studying public health-related course within Faculty of the UK at Leeds Met. The self-reported data was entered into SPSS.

    Objectives of the Study:
    1. To describe the health status of the students studying public health at Leeds Met.
    2. To examine the relationships and/or differences between health status and social determinants of health.
    3. To investigate the relationships and/or differences in health status and health-related behaviour.

    The data set has many variables which correspond largely to the questionnaire SF12 which examines different dimensions of health. Demographics and socio-economic status information were also collected. The variable score is an addition of the single items relating to health status to give an overall score of health status where 12 is the poorest level of health status and 56 is the maximum attainment of health status. I am not permitted to use the usual scoring system for the SF12 for this module under copyright so have used this method of calculating a health value. This is not the usual way to transform the SF-12 data but it will serve our purpose for the assessment!

    The occupational variable has been classified into several categories with 1 being the highest status occupation. The full questionnaire is on MyBeckett should you need to look at it to help you with your assignment.

    Tips for the quantitative assignment

    1 In approaching the assignment you should examine the stated research objectives. As we have practiced in the teaching session/s, there are a huge range of questions that you could answer by performing both descriptive and inferential statistics, BUT try to consider in a logical way, which are the most important questions to answer. Don’t attempt every inferential test on every bit of data. Be discerning and thoughtful.
    2 As a guide you should be considering using at least 3 different types of inferential statistical tests, together with appropriate descriptive statistics
    3 You should always present descriptive information about the characteristics of the sample so that a reader can immediately understand
    4 You should consider how best to present quantitative information. This can be achieved by examining similar data in journal articles and mirroring that style. Remember to use tables and graphs appropriately. Consider the titles and labels of tables and graphs carefully. Make it easy for the reader to understand what you are presenting. I have given you one as an exemplar
    5 You should NOT cut and paste SPSS tables into the results. They are not user friendly. You should design you own word tables and enter data into these. However, graphs, if appropriately titled and labelled, can be cut and paste into the results.
    6 After presenting tables and graphs you should describe the main features and points in words (without just repeating the information in the tables or graphs).
    7 Demonstrate an understanding of key statistical issues ie statistical significance ad assumptions of the statistical tests.
    8 You should ensure that the entire assignment brief is addressed to give yourself a chance of obtaining the best possible mark. If you don’t address one of the sections you are not likely to pass.
    9 This is an individual assignment so while you are working on the same dataset you will be running different statistical tests and your individual assignments will be different. It is not permitted to copy each other’s assignments.

    General Research Methods
    Bowling, A, (2009) Research Methods in Health. 3rd Edition Maidenhead, Open University Press. Available as an e-book via library catalogue
    Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2013). Successful qualitative research. London, Sage.
    Denscombe M . (2007) The good research guide 3rd edition. Maidenhead, Open University Press
    Hennink, M., Hutter, I., & Bailey, A. (2011). Qualitative research methods. London, Sage.
    Seale, C (2007) Researching Society and Culture. London, Sage Publications.

    Quantitative Analysis
    Diamond, I. and Jefferies, J. (2001) Beginning Statistics. An Introduction for Social Scientists. London, Sage.
    Pallant, J (2010) SPSS survival manual : a step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS for Windows 4th ed . Maidenhead, Macgraw-Hill.
    Salkind, N. J. (2008) Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics. 3rd ed. London, Sage Publications.
    Urdan, T. (2010) Statistics in Plain English, Third Edition, Hove, Routledge

    Qualitative Analysis
    Ritchie, J and Lewis, J. (2003) Qualitative Research Practice. London, Sage.
    Ryan, G. W. & Bernard, H. R. (2003) Techniques to identify themes. Field Methods, 15, 85-109.
    Braun, V. & Clarke, V. (2013) Successful qualitative research, London, Sage.

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