Qualities of Effective Investigators


    Law enforcement officers apprehend offenders who violate laws. Almost all police action involving apprehending offenders requires some level of criminal investigation. For instance, even if an officer observes a crime being committed in his or her presence, the officer must still, depending on the offense, gather evidence, interview witnesses and suspects, and document the incident. Many crimes, however, do not transpire in front of officers and are much more complicated, requiring a higher level of investigative skill. Cities, counties, and states often assign the best criminal investigators to the most complicated and violent crimes, including those crimes that create the most fear in citizens, such as homicides and sexual offenses.

    Top criminal investigators tend to share a set of qualities that contributes to their success in solving crimes. Police managers and law enforcement educators must be aware of such qualities in order to train, encourage, and promote the best.
    To prepare for this Discussion:
    Review the assigned reading in your course text, Criminal Investigation. As you read, pay close attention to the qualities of effective criminal investigators.

    Think of three qualities that make for an effective criminal investigator and consider why they do so.

    With these thoughts in mind:
    Discussion 2

    prepare for this Discussion:
    Review the assigned reading from Chapter 3 in your course text, Criminal Investigation. As you read, pay close attention to the types of crime scenes presented, as well as strategies for conceptualizing crime-related events.

    Review Chapter 4 in your course text. Look at the multiple forms of evidence that a criminal investigator may examine as he or she works on a case.

    Review the assigned reading from Chapters 9, 10, and 13 of your course text. Focus on the different types of crimes and crime scenes. Scan other chapters in the text as well to get a sense of the range of crimes that law enforcement deals with today.

    Review the crime scene photographs provided in this week?s resources and choose one of them to use for this assignment.

    Consider the types of evidence that are present at this crime scene.

    Select two pieces of evidence that you think have value to the investigation.


    Discussion 3

    To prepare for this Discussion:
    View the interactive crime site, ? Autopsy of a Murder.? Interact with the site scenario and examine each piece of evidence. Click on the pieces of evidence and test them in the various crime labs. Reflect on the tools and materials needed to conduct each test.

    Skim Chapter 4 in your course text, Criminal Investigation, again. As you review, focus on how evidence is handled as it makes its way into the lab (as distinct from how it is initially handled at the crime scene).

    Review Chapter 8 in your course text, Criminal Investigation. Pay particular attention to procedures for managing evidence in the laboratory.

    Select a type of evidence from the interactive crime site (other than DNA and different from the two that you selected for the assignments in Week 2). Reflect on how the evidence would be tested in a lab.

    Consider one benefit and one limitation of this type of testing on the advancement of an investigation.


    Discussion 4

    To prepare for this Discussion:
    Review Chapter 5 in your course text, Criminal Investigation. Focus on the definitions and objectives of interviews and investigations. Consider the type of information that makes for substantial or unsubstantial interview or interrogation revelations.

    Review the O.J. Simpson interrogation transcript. Consider the quality of the information obtained from this interrogation.

    Think about two ways that you would have conducted the O.J. Simpson interrogation differently, based on interrogation lessons and tactics that you reviewed in the text.
    Discussion 5

    Review Chapter 21 in your course text, Criminal Investigation. Focus on the section entitled ?The Investigator as a Witness.?

    Review the articles ?Police Detectives’ Perceptions of Giving Evidence in Court,? ?Courtroom Testimony,? and ?Five Tips for Testifying in Court.? Focus on how law enforcement officers must bring integrity and truthfulness into the courtroom if they are going to make their testimony an asset to the case.

    Review the ?Code of Ethics of the Northwest Association of Forensic Scientists,? paying particular attention to the section on ethical aspects of court presentation.

    Consider how officers? testimony (verbal and non-verbal cues) influences judges and juries. Also consider the challenges that officers encounter when testifying, and how they might address those challenges.


    Discussion 6A
    Review the "Code of Ethics of the Northwest Association of Forensic Scientists" and the "Law Enforcement Code of Ethics." Based on the codes, consider what it means to be an ethical forensic scientist and an ethical police officer.

    Review the article, ?Confirmation Bias, Ethics, and Mistakes in Forensics.? Reflect on ethical violations in forensic science and the role confirmation bias plays in those violations.

    Review the article, ?Ethics in Forensic Science: A Review of the Literature on Expert Testimony.? Think about the role an adversarial justice system plays in getting to the ?truth? of a case.

    Review the article, ?Law Enforcement Ethics Do Not Begin When You Pin on the Badge.? Consider how external pressures might lead to ethical misconduct.

    Consider two ways that unethical behavior by law enforcement officers might impact investigations.

    With these thoughts in mind:

    Post by Day 3 an explanation of two ways that unethical behavior by law enforcement officers might impact criminal investigations. Be specific.

    Discussion 6B
    eview Chapter 16 in your course text, Criminal Investigation. As you read, pay close attention to how criminal investigators respond to computer crime, the tools and training involved in developing a computer crime team, and the role of digital forensics.

    Choose one tool or technology used to combat computer crimes. Consider how it might evolve and impact future computer crime investigations.

    With these thoughts in mind:

    Post by Day 4 a brief description of the tool or technology that you chose. Explain how this tool or technology might evolve and describe its potential impact on the future of computer crime investigation. Be specific.



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