Public Works: Consider the concepts of public vocation and citizenship concerns in Citizen Solution, as well as concepts of what it means to be educated addressed in this class

    Consider the concepts of public vocation and citizenship concerns in Citizen Solution, as well as concepts of what it means to be educated addressed in this class. Identify an area where you can make a public impact. It could be a social or community issue that you have already been concerned about or working on or an area you would like to work on.

    Identify the area and an organization or aspect of the community that either addresses it now or that would be a good avenue for action.

    Integrating Public Work concepts (you can footnote informally as CS p. ??) with perspectives on the issue and organization, write a 3-4 page analytical paper * addressing:

    your understanding of the concept of public vocation and citizenship as public work and how it relates to the issue you have chosen.

    synopsis of the issue or problem and current areas of urgency

    synopsis of the organization and what it is doing to specifically address areas of urgent need on this issue.

    how can you or other concerned people get involved and be part of the community response or solution.

    how this enhances your understanding of citizenship as public work

    *Your paper must reflect both concepts of public work (through references and analysis, with at least 6-8 references) from Citizen Solution as well as application to the area of choice.

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