Public Transportation in Oman (discussion)

    I need again to restructure the discussion part. I will give you the previous one to see by your self. I am placing this order to get a high quality discussion and to empress my supervisors. So please do your best in this part as this part is very important. You should link discussion with literature review to support your argument.

    Here are the general comment from my supervisors:
    “ou have done a good job restructuring the literature review – it is way better. I am now up to the discussion, and you need to do the same thing there. Sort out exactly what it is that you want to say, and then dedicate a para or 2 to stating that clearly and only once. ”
    “You need to come up a brief overall story from the tables you provided based on your survey (i.e., what kind of transportation

    is used by whom, how often, etc.) and somehow tie it to your analysis and write a discussion on it.

    Did you check the literature on Hofstede as Kaye mentioned while talking about country specific issues?

    Some gender related comments may be done parallel to Hofstede (and maybe other literature from psychology).”

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