Public Policy: What is the policy problem?

    1. Policy Problem (support your argument with relevant data) (40 points)

    What is the policy problem?
    How do we know it is a problem? Use hard evidence and legitimate sources to justify.
    Why would you argue it’s an important problem?
    Is the problem defined differently by different stakeholders? Explain.

    2. Agenda (40 points)

    On which policy agenda does your policy appear? (e.g. state legislature)
    Explain how and when the policy issue appears on the agenda where it appears?
    What was the policymaking environment at the time it was placed on the agenda?
    Was the environment helpful or an obstacle? Why?
    Which actors were particularly relevant? Why?

    Grammar/Citation (10 points)
    Organization (10 points)

    Paper Two: Formulation, Adoption, and Implementation
    This is a 2-3 page paper, 11-12 point font, 1 inch margins, single-spaced. Be sure to check for spelling and grammar. You need to use the APA

    citation method for each of your papers.


    Prior to adoption, what alternatives were available to answer the policy problem?
    Be sure to include answers to the following in your write-up:
    Where were the alternatives proposed? (for example, legislation, policy briefs,
    working papers)
    Which stakeholders supported which alternatives? (identify coalitions if possible)
    What are some of the technical similarities and differences?


    Which policy was adopted? Be Specific
    Which official body adopted the policy and in what form (for example, was it legislation out of
    Congress, or an executive order signed by the President, or a set of rules adopted by an administrative agency)?
    Be sure to include in your discussion if multiple bodies were involved with the adoption? If so, which? In what ways? Or, were individual actors

    important to the adoption, for what reasons (consider issues of decision making)? How did groups or individuals define the “public interest”?


    Identify the specific statutory authority for your policy issue (e.g., federal, state, and/or local

    Does the statute provide broad authority or specific policy?
    Explain and defend your answer.
    Provide specific examples from the statute for why you would describe the authority as
    broad or specific.

    Identify all of the agencies/bodies charged with implementation of the policy.

    What role do these agencies perform? If the agency adopted any rules, discuss the rules adopted. Was public testimony solicited? Did individuals or

    groups participate in the public testimony?

    If your policy serves clients, identify the clients served.

    How is/was the policy implemented? I want specifics! Provide specifics for the methods used to implement the policy. For example, from our

    documentary, “The Fence”, the discussion would revolve around the specifics involved with the contractors, the design, the plan for where the fence

    would be built, any public comments that were solicited and the types of comments that were made.

    Paper Three: Policy Evaluation
    Write a 3-5 page paper (11-12 point-font, 1-inch margins). Use the footer function for your name and date. Edit your writing to be very efficient.

    Please recognize that 70% of your grade for this paper will be based on the degree to which you answer the questions that follow. The remaining 30%

    of your grade for this paper will be based on organization, grammar, and citations.

    The objective of this paper is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the policy and/or its implementation.

    You have three options for how to write this paper. You may certainly combine these, if appropriate.

    Option 1: Consider this option if you do not have one or more evaluations of your policy/program. Or, if you only find your policy/program addressed

    sporadically in general studies.

    Use the following questions to guide your discussion:
    What are the advantages of this policy? This might include effectiveness, costs, enforcement, and public acceptance. Consider issues of resources,

    interagency coordination, staffing, and statutory limitations with regard to the policy and its implementation.

    What are the disadvantages of this policy? This might include effectiveness, costs, enforcement, and public acceptance. Consider issues of

    resources, interagency coordination, staffing, and statutory limitations with regard to the policy and its implementation.

    Based on your evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages, should the current policy be totally replaced, strengthened, or improved? What

    advantages, if any, from the current policy should be retained? What disadvantages, if any, should be eliminated?

    Option 2: This option will incorporate one or more evaluations of your policy or program. Synthesize the evaluations.

    What is the source of the evaluation? Is it a private, nonprofit, or public source?
    What methodological approach did the evaluation(s) use? What seem to be the strengths/weaknesses of the policy/program?
    What were the findings from the evaluation? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the policy/program?
    Did the evaluation(s) make a recommendation(s) on how to improve? If yes, what kind of recommendation?

    If more than one evaluation, what patterns do you identify across the evaluations? Is there a consistency in what evaluators identify as problems or

    as strengths? Are there patterns of recommendations on how the policy/program should be changed?

    Option 3: This option is available for those who have evaluation occurring in the courts.

    Who brought the suit? Who is the defendant?
    In what court was it filed? Was it appealed? What were the outcomes at each stage?
    What is the argument? What is being challenged? What is the defense?
    What organizations support or oppose the suit?
    What evidence was presented?
    What was the final ruling? What does this mean for the policy/program?

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