Public International Law

    Public International Law
    Order Description
    You are reminded that it is a breach of University assessment regulations to copy or use another person’s work without proper acknowledgement. It is also a breach f regulations for two or more students to present the same or substantially similar piece of work.
    No part of your work, except where clearly quoted and referenced (ie: correctu use of quotation marks and footnotes etc.), may be copied from material belonging to any other person. You should employ a consistent referencing system throughout your work. eg:
    Books: author, title, place of publication, publisher and date
    Articles: author, title, journal, volume, year and first and last page numbers
    This piece of coursework will be assessed by reference to the following criteria:
    Instructions to Students: Please NOTE: Assessments Must be properly referenced and MUST include a bibliography. Adequacy of referencing will form part of marking
    Question: Examine the relationship tension between the United Nations Charter provisions on regional organizations under Article 54 on the one hand, and recent trends in law and practice on the other hand.

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