public and private partnerships

    #6 Professional Application
    1. Submit an Annotated Bibliography of at least (10) Ten peer reviewed (must be PEER REVIEWED) Scholarly references in APA format that can/will be used to complete the assignment. Please attach and include PDF copies of the papers being referenced
    2. Write a research paper and Explore public and private partnerships as an engine for economic development. Justify your assertions with research. Note any gaps in literature. Justify your assertions with research. Note any gaps in literature.
    Complete PDF copies of the papers being referenced need to be attached
    The paper should follow all APA 6th edition formatting guidelines including a cover page table of contents abstract and reference list.
    Minimum Eight (8) Pages excluding the cover page table of contents abstract references and any tables or figures included.
    Minimum Ten (10) Peer Reviewed Scholarly references that are Less than five (5) years old are required.
    Websites and dotcoms are not acceptable references.

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