

    Assignment 5.1: Altruism  

    Define the term, Altruism.

    • Answer the following questions. 
    1. Think of a time when you helped someone. Explain what occurred in that situation. 
    2. Was your good deed (helping out the other person) truly a good deed? Were you in fact acting altruistically, meaning that you got nothing in return for helping out? 
    3. Can you think of hearing about a situation through the media where someone helped someone out and it was or was not altruistic in nature? What was the situation? 

    Assignment Expectations for Grading:  

    1. Demonstration of critical thinking, scholarship, and ability to connect and apply the material 

    2. Comprehensiveness and completeness of your responses 

    3. Adherence to the written instructions 

    4. Spelling and grammar

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