psychology ps

    Format Requirements:

    12pt font- Times New Roman

    1-inch margins & Double Space

    3 pages MIN. & 6 pages MAX. (Title Page does NOT count!)

    Title Page must include: Full Name, Section Number, Article Reference (full citation), and Date.

    -NO Bullet points. This should be a comprehensive review.

    APA Style Citation example:

    Morris, J. S., Frith, C.D., Perrett, D. I. Rowland, D., Young, A.W., Calder, A. J., et al.

    (1996). A differential neural response in the human amygdala to fearful and

    happy facial expressions. Nature, 383, 812-815.

    Specific Guidelines

    Your goal is to summarize the article that you have chosen. In your summary you need to address the following:

    •State the hypothesis
    •Describe the aims of the research project
    •Note: The aims and hypothesis are different 
    •How was the hypothesis tested?
    •Describe the experimental design
    •What are the independent and dependent variables?
    •Describe the levels of the variables
    •Describe the subjects
    •Mention the relevant demographic characteristics
    •Describe experimental conditions.
    •Within or Between Subjects Design
    •Describe the experimental procedure in enough detail so that the reader will understand the basics of the study.
    •What are the results?
    •Was the hypothesis supported?
    •Are the conclusions justified?
    •Any confounding variables?
    •Lastly, if you had to replicate this experiment what would you do to improve it?
    •That is, how would you design a better experiment?
    •If you are reviewing a “review article,” then describe the “gaps” in the literature review.
    Point Allocation

    100 points Total

    §        50 points for grammar

      10 points for format

    §  40 points for content: You must review the entire article (introduction, methods, results, and discussion)

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