Psychology homework

    should be at least 200 words and include cited factual support. Work to have a balanced response that includes both proper review of factual material to establish a foundation along with your own discussion, examples, and integration of the material. APA formatted in text citations and end of post references are required in your initial responses to these question sets.

    1. Discuss the difficulties in defining “normal” and “abnormal” behavior. How does culture influence the distinction of normal and abnormal? Explain the differences between a paraphilia and a sexual variant. Provide examples of each. What are some explanations for the finding that most paraphiliacs are men?

    2. Select one of the following question sets on sexual victimization below and address the questions asked.

    a. The United States has a higher incidence of rape than many other Western countries. Why might this be and what does this say about our society and the way that men and women relate to one another? What are the implications of rape myths in perpetuating this problem?

    b. How do our gender role stereotypes contribute to misconceptions regarding pedophiles? Compare and contrast the characteristics of male and female perpetrators of child sexual abuse. Examine the effects of both child sexual abuse and incest on children and identify at least one thing you learned about this sensitive topic and how it helps you understand the implications of child sexual abuse.

    c. Sexual harassment is a serious issue within the workplace as well as social settings. How do gender role stereotypes and cultural expectations for sexual behavior relate to sexual harassment? Although not covered in the reading, based on what you have learned, what might be some myths or misconceptions associated with sexual harassment? What are the implications for these myths and misconceptions?

    3. Select one of the following question sets on commercialization of sexbelow and address the questions asked.

    a. Sexually Explicit Material: Identify examples of sexual explicitness in the entertainment industry (music, film, comedy, etc.). What are the effects of nonviolent and violent sexually explicit material? Is sexually explicit material dangerous to society and should it be censored, banned, or does it serve a purpose and be freely available to adults? Support your position.

    b. Prostitution: Why are prostitutes more likely to be arrested and prosecuted, when rarely are the customers arrested? What are the implications of this inequitable process? What are the pros and cons of legalizing prostitution (not forced prostitution)?

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