psychology 4

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    You must watch a movie!!

    Review a film you’ve seen recently (NOT one shown in this class), analyzing it using Erikson’s stages (whichever of the stages is appropriate).

    Stuck for a movie? Try renting: 13, Parenthood, Away from Her, She Having a Baby, or Baby Boom.

    Include examples from your life. Provide some analysis of the topic. An “A” paper provides depth, not just a cursory glance.

    They must be 2-3 pages typed, double-spaced, or pasted directly into the space provided. You may find it easier to type it into Word, run your spell-check, then copy/paste it into this space.

    College guidelines on plagiarism are strictly enforced. Original work is expected; copying off the internet is considered plagiarism. Quoting a source is fine when necessary, but sources MUST be cited.

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