The influence of media violence on subsequent aggressive behavior has been a major topic of interest among social psychologists for decades.
Activity Resources:
Fiske, S.T. (2010) ? Chs. 10, 11
Nier, J. (2010) ? Unit 4, Issue 18
Choose one television show (i.e., sitcom, series drama, cartoon, etc.) or movie and critically analyze it in terms of aggressive and violent content.
Note that you are not being asked to critique the value of the show, but rather view it and assess it from the lens of a social psychologist interested in media violence.
Prepare a chart in which you describe at least five scenes of violence in the program or movie you chose.
Your chart should include the following categories:
1. Brief description of the scene of violence of aggression
2. The age, gender, ethnicity and other demographic variables of the aggressor
3. The age, gender, ethnicity and other demographic variables of the victim
4. What was the outcome for aggressor and victim
5. Was there any humor involved in the portrayal of violence
Accompany the chart with a brief paper summarizing the debate on the causal link between media violence and aggressive behavior. Use the program you analyzed as an example to illustrate this debate.