Psychologic Disorders

    1. You are to create a concept map based on the given case study. You can either use the electronic version available on Dabbleboard, another computerized concept map program, or you can draw your own. You may not copy one that is already done. Your submission must be your own original work.

    2. Concept map requirements for inclusion:

    a. Demonstrate the pathophysiological concepts that pertain to this case study.

    b. Indicate relationships between concepts—group clusters or patterns of signs and symptoms.

    3. Complete the critical thinking questions.

    a. Demonstrate your understanding of the case by answering the critical thinking questions. b. References should be in APA format.


    L.R. is a 43-year-old female with a history of mood swings that have become progressively

    more debilitating over the past several years. She is currently in an “up” mood and feels she

    is doing fine. However, her husband says he is worried because she is spending a lot of money on various things and is not sleeping at night. Sometimes she won’t sleep all night, and she will have just a short nap in the afternoon. She is otherwise physically well and has no other significant past medical history.

    Critical Thinking Questions:

    What medications might be considered as treatment for this patient, and why?

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