Psychoanalytic Theory:


    Psychoanalytic Theory:

    Select one of the following options for this discussion. Indicate in your post which option you are responding to.

    Option A: Psychoanalytic theory presents explanations for abnormal behavior as well as a variety of methods for treatment of that behavior. Select one of the methods or techniques used in psychoanalysis and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this approach as it applies to the treatment of psychological disorders. It must include at least 1 peer-reviewed source that was published within the last five years, cited according to APA guidelines.

    Option B: Select one of the following early theorists that were instrumental in developing the psychoanalytic theoretical approach. Examine and describe the theorist’s contribution(s) to psychoanalytic theory. It must include at least 1 peer-reviewed source that was published within the last five years, cited according to APA guidelines.

    a. Sigmund Freud
    b. Carl Jung
    c. Alfred Adler
    d. Wilhelm Reich
    e. Karen Horney
    f. Anna Freud
    g. Melanie Klein
    h. Helen Deutsch

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