
    PSYC-203 Disorders in the Media Paper

    Please see Canvas Rubric for detailed grading

    This assignment provides an opportunity for students to research more in depth, a disorder portrayed in the media within the area of Abnormal Psychology. The students will not only gain insight and information regarding the chosen topic, but an understanding of the process of research and its methodology.

    You will be writing a 4-5 page paper based on one of your Disorders in the Media homeworks. This page length does NOT include the Title page or the Reference page. Choose one of your Disorders in the Media homeworks (Excluding the Aging and Law & Society Homeworks) and the character you analyzed for the assignment. You will be researching the causes (etiology), symptoms, and treatment of your character’s disorder using 5 references:

    1) You must use your Abnormal textbook as 1 of the references. But you should not spend most of the paper just citing the textbook. Your textbook should be used mainly in the conclusion as you discuss the appropriate Model of Abnormality to treat the disorder.

    2) Two of the references will be on the causes of your character’s disorder. One reference MUST be a Primary source from a peer-reviewed journal. The 2nd Reference can either be another Primary source or a secondary source*. Two of the references will be on the treatment for the disorder. One reference MUST be a Primary source from a peer-reviewed journal. The 2nd Reference can either be another Primary source or a secondary source*.

    *The following sources CANNOT be used in this paper: Wikipedia, someone’s blog, someone’s personal opinion/experience, any student paper written for a dissertation or Master’s degree.

    I will be checking the validity of your secondary sources, if you use them, when you turn in your APA Reference page. If any of your secondary sources are NOT valid/reliable you will be asked to find another source before doing your final paper! None of your references (Primary or Secondary) can be OLDER than 6 years!

    Your final written assignment MUST use all 5 references. You will submit the APA Reference page through Canvas by the due date on the calendar and it must be written as it will appear in your final paper. This means that you need all 5 Reference before your APA Reference Page is due. Once your APA Reference page is submitted you CANNOT change your topic.

    This paper will consist of:

    · Title Page

    · Introduction: Should include a clear concise thesis statement. This introduction should also include a brief presentation of the research you will be discussing in the paper in the order you discuss them.

    · Body of the paper: Should summarize/review all the references presented on your Reference page. This is where you will explain the causes and treatments for the disorder you have chosen.

    · Conclusion: Here you will apply the research on causes and treatments by examining the character you analyzed for the homework. You will discuss the causes and symptoms of the disorder as cited in your two References and whether these agree OR disagree with what was shown about your character in the media. Next you will discuss what treatment is used according to your references, and whether this was shown in the media about your character. Finally, using the discussion of the Models of Abnormality found in your textbook you will discuss the best model to treat the disorder your character has. Make sure you don’t just to name the Model (e.g. don’t just say the Cognitive Model would work best) but you must provide evidence to back up your decision. You should be citing your references, including your textbook when writing your conclusion.

    · Reference page – using APA referencing method

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