PSI Reports

    PSI Reports

    Ed Robertson is a twenty-year-old student. He is in his first year at the local community college. He is pursuing the course to become an elementary school teacher. He is single and works part-time in delivering pizzas.

    Robertson is arrested for sexual assault and torture of a seventeen-year-old high-school student. Robertson claims that the victim consented to the sexual act, but later began to cry. He hit her to prevent her from crying and making a scene. He blames her for the incident and claims that he is the victim. Robertson has been convicted despite his plea of not guilty.

    He has no prior adult criminal record; however, he has two prior involvements in the juvenile justice system. While he was being investigated, several neighbors reported him for mistreating cats and dogs on numerous occasions.


    You are the probation officer who has been assigned this case. You are required to prepare and submit a PSI report to the trial judge that includes the following:

    The defendant’s criminal history
    Description of the present offenses involved
    Sources of information
    Criminal orientation
    Defendant’s explanations for his conduct
    Personal and family background
    Educational and employment background
    Sentencing options and recommendations
    Correctional plan for the defendant with justifications
    Justify your recommendations giving appropriate reasons.



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