Provide the basic facts about the country.

    Provide the basic facts about the country. Location, population, primary crops,
    industries, level of income, the distribution of income and perhaps wealth,
    climate, finances (budget deficit/surplus, current account deficit/surplus),
    2. Describe briefly its political history (independence, wars, dominant political
    parties, dominant political/economic ?elites?? democracy or authoritarian rule,
    was there a land reform?).
    3. Describe briefly its economic history (past growth, major positive or negative
    periods and events, export successes/failures, outward looking or primarily
    closed, share of trade in GDP, currency issues, possibly major projects (e.g.
    Aswan Dam in Egypt).
    4. Provide additional details as to the current state of the country, its challenges,
    what is being attempted to induce growth, which outside countries are most
    involved with it, its debt situation, current government, etc.
    5. If the country has been fairly successful, to what do you attribute that?
    Conversely, if it has had little or no growth, what are the reasons for that?
    Does the country?s history support Easterly?s general argument that a lack of
    incentives has been the major problem in poorer countries?
    6. What actions and policies would you recommend to the government of the
    country, and why?
    7. What changes in the behavior of outside governments and multinationals
    would be most helpful to the country, and why?
    8. What do you expect will occur in the next decade, and what do you hope will
    occur? Again, support your statements.

    “My largest concern is that you provide a reasonable volume of your own
    opinions (5,6,7,and 8), with support from logic, data, and historical examples. Students
    most commonly do a good job on the basic story but don?t seem to want to give their
    opinions, or analysis in support of those opinions?!?
    Do not pick a ?rich? country in North America or Western Europe. If you choose a very
    successful place like South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc., then you must
    go back in time far enough to discuss their transition from lower to upper-middle income.
    You could choose Japan, but then look back to 1945 (actually, even that is 80 or so years
    late, Japan modernized in the Meiji Restoration in the mid-19

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