Provide additional background to environmental issue(s) addressed in film

    The assignment is to do a film report on the documentary “Gasland”. You must watch the movie to be able to write the paper accurately.

    Provide additional background to environmental issue(s) addressed in film

    Verify specific claims (listed below)
    Update state of knowledge and actions since film
    Discuss global implications and assess in terms of globalization theories
    Assess overall message of film – how effective was it at communicating its message?  How could it be more effective?
    How accurately did it present the environmental issue(s) in terms of scientific consensus and as presented in readings and lectures?

    Approximately 5 pages – appropriate MLA format and include works cited

    1-Everytome a well is fracked it takes 1.7 gallons of water
    2-Glycol ethers are extremely dangerous and cause several diseases including testicular and embryonic irregularities and a reducing of red blood cells and bone marrow.
    3-Emissions in the oil,gas sector has surpassed all transportation emissions in Dallas-

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