
    Protein Refer to your reports (from part 2, food groups and calories, and nutrients) as well as

    information in chapter 6 to answer the following:

    1. Compare your average protein intake with the guidelines for total protein and calories from

    protein. Describe your status. How does it compare to the average (not the target) American

    protein intake (see chapter 6)? (2 points)

    2. Based on the concept of nitrogen balance, explain how you are in neutral, positive or negative

    balance. (1 point)

    3. Based on “muplate” food groups, other than the protein food group, name two other food

    groups that contain foods with significant amounts of protein. Justify your answer. (2 points)

    4. Within the food group(s) described in Q3, compare your average consumption with the

    guidelines. If you are over- or under consuming those food groups, then list specific ideas to

    increase or decrease those food groups. Include: amount (1 cup), time (lunch) and if cooked, the

    method (baked, chopped pieces added to a salad) (3 points) Refer to your 3-day food log (from

    part 1) to answer the following:

    5. List each of the foods in your diet that provided you with at least 3g of protein, along with the

    amount of protein that food provided. You may need to check appendix A in your text. (4 points)

    For example, ½ cup of blueberries provides .8g of protein, however, if you consumed 2 cups,

    which provided 3.2 g of protein, then you would list that food (because the total g of protein was

    ≥3), along with the total amount (3.2g) of protein.

    a. Highlight those foods that are considered a source of high quality protein (complete protein).

    b. Why is your consumption of complete vs. incomplete protein relevant?

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