project plan

    project plan

    Write a one-page outline of your PLAN OF ACTION for completing the project, including
    the following elements:

    1. Deliverables and criteria for close-out
    What products or results will you have at the end of the project, and who are they for? Deliverables should be
    concrete and quantifiable to easily determine whether they were ‘delivered’ or not.
    ? “Outreach Plan”
    ? Green job: Farm-food environment
    2. Resources
    Background info, equipment, facilities, software, etc. What is available now? What needs to be obtained, and
    ? Beth suggests using google, because her main research equipment is also google.
    ? Internet research
    ? Interviewing couple of employers
    ? Visiting prison
    ? Meeting with a suitor who was participated in insight garden project.

    3. Stakeholders and Strengths
    For each of the following stakeholders, describe their strengths and how they will be engaged with this project:
    student team; organization main contact; other organization staff; community members; other.
    ? Three students team
    ? Main contact: Beth
    ? Other organization staff: Beth and Lisa (There is not many staffs exist.)
    ? Community members: Potential group, employers, non-profit helping people.

    4. Unresolved Issues and Assumptions
    Are there any risks or roadblocks that will prevent the project from completion or that will require progressive
    elaboration? For each risk or roadblock, what steps will be taken to minimize or resolve it? Additionally, have any
    assumptions been made that are critical for project success?
    ? We don’t think there is any risk or roadblocks.
    ? We need to help them to eat, place to stay and get a job. Many employees does not want to give them a job because of their record.
    ? We should use media-wise campaign, like facebook, twitter, e-mail and so on. We need to get an audience and get to know them how this project is important.
    ? We need donation either.

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