Project – Interview Results and Project Outline

    Project – Interview Results and Project Outline
    Project – Interview Results and Project Outline (minimum of 6 to 12 pages)
    The following are required sections for your paper:
    1. Introduction (1/2 page).
    o Identify an issue or problem and explain why you chose it. What do you hope to learn from this paper?
    o Describe the person you have selected to interview. What is their position? What is their educational and professional background? Explain why you chose this interviewee. How is person related to your topic?
    2. Literature review. Review the literature related to the your chosen adolescent developmental issue. Critically analyze the adolescent domains covered in the course that are relevant to your topic (2 pages).
    3. Interview questions. Include the questions you asked (1/2 page).
    4. Interview results. Present what you learned from the interview (2 pages).
    5. Synthesis. Discuss the relationship between the literature review and practice in real-world contexts, or current research trends as communicated by your interview subject (1 1/2 pages).
    6. Conclusion. Briefly discuss the implications of what you learned (1/2 page).
    You are expected to format your paper and references according to APA Style and Formatting guidelines. You are also expected to edit your work for grammar, sentence structure, and clarity of ideas.
    Project Objectives
    To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
    1. Explore a specific adolescent issue and the related research.
    2. Analyze theories and research related to a specific issue or problem within adolescent development.
    3. Analyze the relevant factors that may affect a particular aspect of adolescent development, such as ethnicity, culture, gender, socioeconomic status, health, or society.
    4. Analyze an adolescent development topic within contexts such as family, school, work, and social relationships.
    5. Apply research related to adolescent development to knowledge gained from the interview.
    6. Communicate in a written presentation that is concise, clear, and logically organized.
    7. Apply APA style guidelines.

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