
    World Media Systems (COMM 419)

    Below, I have included 4 main questions that address what we have learned in the first five weeks of the semester. See the questions for more details.

    You must pick 2 questions and answer them in coherent essays that present a thesis and use evidence from class discussions/examples, reading materials, films and class lectures. Please see the rubric that accompanies these instructions.

    Your essays in total should be no longer than 6 pages. So each essay may be about 3 pages in length (each question is a separate essay). Thus, make sure to be concise. You will get points taken off for turning in your essays with a total of more than 6 pages.

    Please put the essays (double-spaced and 12-point font) into one word document, but make sure to separate them into two different essays. Therefore, each essay should present its own thesis (introduction/conclusion) and evidence (body paragraphs).

    Please make sure that your essays are not simply opinion-based. Support your claims with specific evidence. You should make direct references (cited correctly) to course material. You must include references from all course material: readings, online lessons, video clips and case studies.

    Do NOT do any outside research! The content in your essays should be based on our class.

    Essay Questions:

    Option 1

    For the first three weeks, we learned about the importance of comparing media systems and how media are reflective of particular political systems. For this first question, explain the importance of comparative research. Why do researchers find this method helpful? What does comparing media systems tell us about our own system in which we live?

    To answer this question, address the following:

    How does the comparing media systems contribute to our knowledge/ perceptions/opinions about the role of media in the world?
    What are the pros and cons to doing this research?

    Option 2

    For the first three weeks, we learned about the importance of comparing media systems and how media are reflective of particular political systems. In these lessons, we discussed the difference between theory and practice. Explain the relationship between theory and practice, and how course material helps shed light on these differences.

    To answer this question, address the following:

    Explain the purpose of Four Theories of the Press. What are its shorcomings?
    How does Downing’s article shed light on the idea that media practices are often different theoretical models of media/journalism?
    Are media entities in themselves or do they reflect larger societal/political concerns/systems? How?

    Option 3

    Based on what you learned about the U.S. media system, how would you categorize this system according to Four Theories of the Press and Downing’s article on press systems?

    To answer this question, address the following:

    What media model (from the readings, etc.) describes the U.S. media system? Why?
    How might someone challenge your chosen media model? (Hint: Articles and lessons about philosophy, regulation and financing might be helpful with this question)
    What might these challenges say about the U.S. media system? What lessons can we learn?

    Option 4

    Consider what you have learned about the relationships between media and politics, and foreign policy and media. How do these relationships help illuminate problems with United States’ media practices?

    To answer this question, consider the following:

    Theory of indexing (relationship between journalists, politicians, government)
    Issues of terrorism and surveillance
    History of foreign policy, media, and propaganda in the U.S.
    Public Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, Soft power

    Remember, to balance your essays with examples from the readings, lessons and films/video clips!

    Lots of examples and films/video clips to choose from! You can’t talk about everything, so make sure to pick a few examples that best illustrate your main point. Therefore, you have to be very concise with these essays!

    Do not regurgitate all of your notes. Please see rubric!!!

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