
    Project #1 it will be due by Monday, Day 7 of Week 3.  Each Team will assign a team member to post the project assignment to the Assignment Section. The Team Project will be presented as a PowerPoint Presentation on the following topic;

    TOPIC: These are the Five Types of Computer Crimes and the Unique Features of Each?

    Each Learning Team will present a slide show presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint and contain from 15 – 20 slides dealing with Computer Crime.    Discuss these 5 types of Computer Crimes as described in our text.  What are the unique features of each type?  Be sure to give proper APA credit for any information gathered or quoted from our text. You may show the reference source on the slide itself or you may use the last slide as a Reference Page.

    Teams may use the “Speaker Notes” to provide more information on the particular slide.  It is not mandatory and the use is left up to each Learning Team.

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