
    Packaging Exercise: Go to a store (grocery store, drug store, super market,
    etc.) and spend some time looking at the packaged goods. Choose a product
    that you think has either a very bad or very good package, in terms of
    marketing communications. Write no more than a 2-page (single spaced, at
    least ¾ inch margins all around, 12 point font) analysis of the package and
    what you think makes it either good or bad. What does the package
    communicate about the product/brand? How does it do this (executional
    elements)? Is that message consistent or inconsistent with what you think
    the overall marketing communication/branding objectives are for the
    product? Your evaluation may suggest more effective packaging in the
    future, if you think the current packaging is lacking in any respect. As with
    the ad critique, above, it should be both of great practical relevance and it
    should also demonstrate a familiarity with relevant concepts and methods
    covered thus far in the course. Your analysis and your (photos of) package are
    due at the beginning of class. Be prepared to discuss your package choice in

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