PROFESSIONAL STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS: Before committing to a career, it is helpful to inventory strengths and limitations that may be pertinent to that career Custom Essay

    It is particularly helpful when contemplating a career in applied psychology, as others could be seriously impacted by your work. Recall this module. Think of broad issues and specific key words. Consider which aspects of the module you found most useful as your consider your career opportunities in the field of applied psychology. Also, consider how you might use these same elements in fields other than applied psychology.
    Connect these aspects of yourself to the perspectives shared in the Weekly Notes. Finally, take the Jung personality test, which is based on the work of Carl Jung and Isabelle Briggs Myers.
    Find a free online Myers-Briggs personality test and complete the test. (Use the following keywords to locate the test: Jung, Myers, Briggs, personality typology test. Several examples of the test can be found in the Optional Resources this week.) Then, explain which of your personality characteristics may serve as strengths and which may limit you within the context of working in the field of applied psychology. Be sure to discuss how you plan to overcome each of those limitations.
    Support your Hand-in Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. Support your Hand-in Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. Please provide DOI’s. Please provide as many citations within the body of the work as possible. No quotations please. Please note: Work will be submitted through Turnitin.

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