Professional Organizations and Government

    complete chapter six – before our online exam next week. Your paper is an exercise in your ability to connect the dots of your academic major, and intended (or current career path) with the world of politics, and political science we have been studying. Here is your assignment:
    1) Identify your professional association (for me as a political scientist it is the American Association of Political Scientist). 2) Conduct research on your organization for the purpose of identifying the historical development of your association, and profession. 3) You are to reflect, and inquire about (from the literature/and practitioners) how politics work within your profession. That is to say (remember chapter a) who has the power, how is it exercised, and who provides feedback/input to the system of governance within your profession/association? b) Is it (your profession/association) run as an authoritarian, democratic or totalitarian form of governance?
    4) You are to also consider and write about the ways your profession (i.e. police officer, banker, etc0 impacts politics on a local, national and international level. For example, police protect politicians, fraternal order of police fund litigation and support fellow officers under investigation, police people associations lobby state legislative bodies (state representatives and state senators) and Members of the U.S. Congress for what they want. Some policing agencies have international authorities that are under and or above certain laws.
    For your paper you are to consider the internal and external politics of your profession/professional association independent and in relationship to the government on a local, national and international level.


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