Professioal Research Project

    All of you are in this class because you are seeking a change in your life.  This change could be moving from your younger years into your first real career.  Some of you have either sought out or been forced into career changes.  Still others of you are simply seeking promotions which required you to further your education.

    Whatever your intentions, you must never go into any endeavor blindly.  Therefore, as a courtesy to you, you will be completing the following research project.
    Research Project
    For this project, you will conduct research into your job field.  One of your main resources must be a personal interview with at least one person currently working in your field.  The interviewee can be someone who runs a business around town or who has had at least 15 years of continual experience in the field.  Instructors (other than myself) in your field are also perfectly reasonable candidates.

    However, the project is not a transcription of this interview.  The interview will be one of at least four sources used for research.  The other three sources can consist of additional interviews, books, magazines, and the internet among other possibilities.

    Your ultimate goal is to discover what you will be doing once you have earned your degree from WCC.  Find out things such as likely salaries in the field, whether or not you are likely to quickly find a job, and anything else you feel should be covered in the project.  Use your personal interview as a guide for the sorts of things you feel you should look into further.

    Requirements and Restrictions
    1.         The report must contain a minimum of 3 full pages.  Use a non-exotic 10 or 12-point
    font, and use one-inch margins left and right, top and bottom.  Use single-spacing with a
    line skipped between each paragraph.

    2.         Use APA documentation to document your use of source material (parenthetical
    references and a separate APA references page).  .

    3.         You must use at least four sources, including one personal interview.
    4.         Use appropriate visuals in your report.  Remember to label and title all visuals and to refer to them in the text.  No more than 20% of your document should
    consist of visuals.

    5.         The report must look good.  Make sure that it is neat, visually pleasing, and easy to read.

    6.         DO NOT COPY AND PASTE TEXT FROM OTHER SOURCES.  See Requirement and Restriction 5.

    7.         Remember all of the writing errors listed in Chapter 11 that you must avoid.

    8.         If you cannot find someone with at least 15 years of experience, please seek permission from me to interview someone with less experience

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