Producing and Interpreting Descriptive Statistics Using SPSS Custom Essay

    For this week’s Application Assignment, you complete two problems in which you produce and interpret descriptive statistics using SPSS.

    To prepare for this Application Assignment:

    •Review this week’s assigned readings from the course text
    •Review this week’s PowerPoint
    •Review this week’s Media
    •Participate in the Study Group Area
    To complete this Application Assignment, answer the following problems:

    Problem 2.1: Using the SPSS dataset alcohol.sav, complete the following using SPSS:

    1.Calculate the mean and standard deviation for age.
    2.Produce a scatterplot for age.
    3.Produce a boxplot for age.
    4.Produce a histogram for age.
    5.Describe how the boxplot and histogram for age compares to the distribution you would expect with a normal distribution.
    Problem 2.2: In Week 1 you opened and looked at the dataset bd1.sav, and the variable agegrp. Using this dataset and SPSS, complete the following:

    1.Produce a scatterplot of data collected for BMI (y axis) stratified by agegrp (x axis).
    2.Produce a Bar Chart for agegrp.
    3.Describe how the scatterplot reflects the level of measurement and distribution for agegrp, as it relates to the BMI.
    4.How is the way age is represented in problem 2 different from how it is represented in problem 1? Why would you choose to use agegrp instead of age?
    Copy and paste (or use the File/Export option in SPSS) any required data charts or summaries into a Word document, or export the data output as a Word/RTF document. Save your Application Assignment as a ".doc" or " .rtf" file.

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