Produce an internal proposal addressed to the instructor as your supervisor

    Individual Proposal and Presentation Guidelines
    You will have to produce an internal proposal addressed to the instructor as your supervisor. This proposal must address a business problem of your choosing, contain an introduction to the problem, provide at least four alternatives (with support) that you believe could correct the problem, provide a cost-benefit analysis, explain your recommended alternative to correct the problem, and an implementation schedule with timeline. Be specific and detailed!
    Your research must include at least eight references, with at least one book, one scholarly journal article and no more than 3 internet articles in the eight reference minimum. All references and citations must conform to APA style guidelines. The final product should be 7-10 page report (1-cover sheet, 5 to 8 body, 1-references), excluding attached appendices. As this is a proposal to your supervisor, and possibly those at higher levels, it must also be grammatically correct.
    In addition to the written proposal, you will also make a “10” minute (time does matter) oral presentation using MS Power Point and complying with the dress guidelines in the syllabus. A copy of your written proposal and a copy of “MS PowerPoint Notes-Slides” with notes affixed will be submitted to the instructor prior to your oral presentation. The only notes you may use in your presentation are MS PowerPoint Notes-Slides. For “Skeleton Outline” guidelines/format, see below, and for a sample copy of what your written paper should look like—see the Blackboard site for this course.
    Detailed grading rubrics are attached.

    A. Informational guideline/format for “Individual Proposal [Written Paper]”:

    1. Cover Sheet [on MS.PPT it becomes Cover Slide]
    2. Title Fly [Written paper only. It is not depicted on MS.PPT slides].
    3. Introduction
    4. Company History
    5. Problem Identification.
    6. Four alternatives [REQUIRED] to solve the problem. (Alternative # 1. “DO NOTHING:” is required-along with an explanation of why this will not fix the problem).
    7. Cost/Benefit Analysis: If $ dollar figures are represented-you must include a full cost benefit analysis. However, if there are “NO” $ costs involved for any of the Alternatives- cost/benefit analysis will be included as a part of each alternative].
    8. Selected alternative(s): Must reflect which alternative(s) you would select, and explain why you believe this alternative(s) will fix the problem.
    9. Implementation and Timeline: Your plan for implementing your chosen alternative, and it must be depicted as follows:

    1. a.
    2. b.
    3. a.
    6 a.
    12. a.

    10. References Cited.

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