Processes of Observational Learning

    • Application: Processes of Observational Learning
    Albert Bandura is the leading proponent of social cognitive theory, which you explored in this week’s Discussion. Your textbook describes social cognitive theory as a theory of observational learning. Bandura suggests that four processes are necessary in order to learn from observation. The processes are attentional, retentional, motor reproductive, and motivational. Your textbook provides details of these processes in Chapter 10.
    To prepare for this assignment:
    • Review Chapter 10 in the course text, Learning and Behavior. Pay particular attention to the four processes of Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory.
    • Think about a behavior you would like to learn.
    • Learn the behavior by watching a “how to” video clip on the Internet or television or by watching a friend or family member perform the behavior. Note: Examples might be how to serve in tennis, make a smoothie, or paint a wall.
    • Explain how the four processes of observational learning (attentional, retentional, motor reproductive, and motivational) could contribute to learning the behavior.
    The assignment (1 page):
    • Describe the behavior you selected to learn and what you observed in order to learn it.
    • Explain how Bandura’s four processes could contribute to learning of the behavior.
    Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.
    *****APA style format, No Plagiarism and must be cited with references and use course textbook as a reference as well. Thank you
    • Learning Resources
    Please read and view (where applicable) the following Learning Resources before you complete this week’s assignments.
    • Course Text: Learning and Behavior
    o Chapter 10, “Observational Learning”

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