Problem Statement

    Problem Statement

    In a text file, submit a 2 – 3-paragraph problem statement describing the need for the database you are creating.  The statement should overview the current environment, what your database will do, and how the environment will be better after they start using your database.

    Entity Relationship Diagram

    Submit an Entity Relationship Diagram of your entire database design according to the following guidelines:

    Your database should include at least 5 tables.

    Each table should be related to at least one other table.

    You must identify all primary and foreign keys in all tables.

    Your design should be in 3NF or higher (if not, you must document why).

    Your database tables and fields should follow a consistent naming convention.

    Submit the ERD as an image (PNG preferred).

    SQL CREATE Statements

    Submit the SQL Statements necessary to create your database according to the following guidelines:

    Your SQL statements should exactly mirror your ERD.

    All primary keys, foreign keys, and relationships should be implemented in your SQL statements.

    You do not have to include the CREATE DATABASE command, as your instructor will assume the database has already been created and selected.

    Include DROP TABLE statements before your CREATE TABLE statements so your script can be run multiple times.

    Submit your SQL CREATE Statements as one text file, with a .sql extension.

    SQL INSERT Statements

    Submit SQL INSERT Statements that will populate the database with sample data.  You must insert at least 5 records into each table in your database.  Submit your SQL INSERT Statements as one text file, with a .sql extension.

    SQL SELECT Statements

    Submit SQL SELECT Statements to demonstrate several reports off your database, according to the following guidelines:

    You must submit at least 5 SELECT Statements.

    Each statement must select data from more than one table.

    Each table should be selected from by at least one statement.

    You must use at least one aggregate function (e.g. sum, count, max, avg, etc.).

    Each statement should have a WHERE clause.

    Each statement should have an ORDER BY clause.

    When selecting data from multiple tables, do not use “old-style joins” with the tables delimited in the FROM clause. Use the JOIN clause instead.

    Submit your SQL SELECT Statements as one text file, with a .sql extension.

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