Problem Solution Analysis

    Topic: Problem Solution Analysis
    Order Description
    Paper is a suggestion of how to resolve or improve a problematic media practice that has occurred in the LAST 12 MONTHS (April 1 2015-March 31 2016). Choose one media controversy or problematic issue that arose this year, thoroughly explain the issue and why it’s a problem, and then suggest a way to change the practice to correct it or make it more equitable. Apply theories (remember media effects theories, like framing theory, uses and gratifications theory, and hypodermic needle theory?).

    Use at least three media theories or concepts. Things like: hegemony, cultural imperialism, technological determinism, convergence, representation, marketplace of ideas, etc.

    You must cite at least 3 sources in the text of your paper and list them in your references. Don’t just stick in a meaningless quote and hope it counts; it won’t. Find something truly applicable to your topic from our textbook.
    The topic should be current and cover a problem within the media. It is important that the problem be dated with in the time frame above. The writer can use older sources but the main topic must be something current. Credible sources from the internet will work fine for this paper.

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