Principles of management

    Question 1
    The informal organizational network through which unofficial information flows is called __________.
    the grapevine
    the all-channel network
    the wheel network
    the circle network
    the chain network
    Question 2
    Which of the following is true of impersonal written communication?
    It is highest in information richness.
    It is addressed to particular receivers.
    It does not allow documentation of the messages exchanged.
    It generally does not result in feedback.
    It cannot be retrieved electronically.
    20 points
    Question 3
    Which of the following statements is true with respect to groups and teams?
    All groups are considered as teams.
    Teams have no restrictions on the number of members in them unlike groups.
    The intensity with which members work together is always higher in a team than in a group.
    All groups are informal and all teams are formal.
    There is a specific overriding common goal or objective for groups but not for teams.
    20 points
    Question 4
    Which of the following cases would most likely result in a team member engaging in social loafing?
    When the group is excessively large
    When individual contributions to a group are identifiable
    When valuable contributions of individual members are emphasized
    When rewards are linked to individual performance
    When the group size is at an appropriate level
    20 points
    Question 5
    Managers can __________ by updating the production process to take advantage of new and more efficient technologies.
    increase responsiveness to customers
    increase efficiency
    establish an electronic trail
    cause information overload
    lower information richness
    Discuss the advantages of using teams for innovation. What is the role of managers in promoting innovation? Provide an example where you worked in a team that was innovative or provide an example you have read about.
    Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line
    Discuss an industrial hygiene hazard in your workplace or research one that you had not thought about before this class. Discuss with you fellow students what you have learned from this class about that hazard. What actions would you like to take now that you have learned more about the hazard? 6 AND 7 ARE LESS THAN 200 WORDS

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