Principles of Business Excellence Custom Essay

    This is a report that should be based on EFQM Assessment. An assessment that is assumed to be done through interviews in the “Roads and Transport Authority in Dubai” (

    I will upload a file of Instructions that includes the guidelines of the report.
    I will upload a PDF File called “IndividualReport_Article”. The Instructions file refers to the “IndividualReport_Article”. The EFQM questionnaire will be found in the “IndividualReport_Article”.

    I will upload also sample report and sample of the EFQM Scoring Excel sheet that you can follow.

    Finally, I will upload a report that was done about RTA and it has some information and an interview with one of the RTA Employees that I want his name to be mentioned in the final report.

    Make sure to attach the Excel sheet of questionnaire with the scores and results and any references from the RTA that will be used should be attached as per the sample report.

    Please ask the new writer to concentrate on the “Analysis” part and rewrite it in his way and words using different references other than the one used in the Sample report that I had sent. I don’t want any evidence that shows that I have used this sample report or shows any similarities from it !!

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