Presenting to internal audiences and therefore a detailed situation analysis Research Paper

    You will be presenting to internal audiences and therefore a detailed situation analysis is not required. There is an expectation that the proposed campaign will build on and should not divert from the existing Wales brand framework and so no development of actual creative materials or copy is required though you should consider key campaign messages and the format of communications materials as well as the use of incentives as appropriate.
    You should present your report in 3 sections. Word count is given as a guide only. PLEASE REFER BACK TO THE ASSESSMENT CRITERIA ON PAGE 1 AND FACULTY GRADE DESCRIPTORS for how grades are awarded.
    1. Aims and objectives (word guide 500)
    Interpretation of the brief (in the context of Visit Wales broader marketing activity) and clear articulation and justification for the role of Direct Marketing culminating in clearly articulated campaign objectives.

    2. Data strategy (word guide 500)
    How would you recommend that the database is structured & what specific information should it hold and why? How will data be captured for it?
    3. Segmentation, target audience selection and profiles (word guide 500)
    Profile the key segments relevant to this case stating the theoretical basis of your approach & using appropriate references. Select target audiences for the campaign and provide a rationale for your decision.
    4. Outline Direct Communication plan (1,500)
    Produce an outline direct communication plan which will achieve the stated booking and retention targets within 2 years.

    Fully explain & justify your recommendations including examples where appropriate.

    Make sure you consider and demonstrate valid media & messages for each audience group identified. Be specific about offers and the responses you aim to generate from key activities plus provide details of any incentives you plan to use. It is expected that you consider how you will measure the success of your proposed activities and show what plans you have for testing.

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