Presentation Pizzazz


    create a presentation aid.

    Select one of the presentation aids that you identified and create it. For example, you could:

    • Use a software application such as Microsoft Excel to create a chart or graph.
    • Create a few PowerPoint slides that you would use during a specific part of your presentation.
    • Take a digital photograph that illustrates a concept or point in your speech.
    • Record a portion of an interview as an mp3 file.

    These are just a few ideas of how you could create a presentation aid for your speech. Whatever type of presentation aid you create, follow the guidelines presented in the lesson to make the presentation aid as effective as possible.

     Write a summary.

    In a one-page (250-word) summary, describe how you would incorporate the presentation aid into your speech delivery.

    • At what point would you introduce the presentation aid? How would you use it to enhance your presentation?
    • Are there any special considerations you should take into consideration when preparing to present your speech based on including the presentation aid?

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