Presentation of woman in 3 of the following: Gilgamesh, Agamemnon, Ramayana, The Aeneid, and Beowulf

    Be sure to argue a thesis and to prove your assertions with quotes from the texts. Ideally, each idea should be bolstered by at least a couple of quotes. When you quote, give the context (who speaks, to whom, where, why, etc.) and explain the relevance of the quote to your argument: a reader might not see in the quote what you see. Follow the MLA policies regarding quoting (parenthetical citations, when to indent, how to quote poetry etc.). In the opening paragraph, generalize and draw in the reader before asserting your thesis and topics. In each developmental paragraph, argue in your topic sentence, don’t just state what happens in the text.

    Topic: Discuss the presentation of woman in 3 of the following: Gilgamesh, Agamemnon, Ramayana, The Aeneid, and Beowulf. Be careful to separate between Narrator’s perspective or analysis, and that of the characters (for example, when they talk about the women)

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