Present an Overview of C# Programming / Final Project

    Assume the role of an IT manager that is asked to present an overview of C# programming.

    Prepare an 8- to 10-slide presentation with speaker notes or an audio recording/podcast containing the following content:

    • Highlights of C# syntax
    • Overview of mathematical operators and a coding fragment sample
    • Overview of loops and a coding fragment sample
    • Overview of conditional expressions and a coding fragment sample
    • Databases versus text files
    • Overview of exceptions, errors, and debugging
    • Explanation the benefits of LINQ in C# programming. Including how LINQ compares to other query languages such as SQL and XQuery
    • A conclusion slide that contains at least three important tips for C# programmers that you have gained over the last four weeks.


    Develop the details in the Print Registration Report using the program in Weeks Two, Three, and Four.

    Output the course registration confirmation along with the details of students, faculty members, and courses registered.

    Include validation to make sure that all fields are completed.

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