Practice skill: wound dressing or medication administration

    Practice skill can be made up, eg wound dressing or medication administration, etc.
    The final section of your portfolio is for the written assignment which will be type-written, fully referenced, with a word limit of 1500 words
    a reference list will be submitted to support your written work (not included in the word limit)
    full guidelines on referencing style and presentation of written work are provided as links from the module e-learning site
    Choose 1 (one) practice skill from a learner’s assessment document and covering the domains of knowledge, skills and attitude:
    Critically discuss how you will facilitate the student to be able to develop their competence in this area
    Identify the specific learning opportunities available in your clinical area that will enable the student to develop their competence
    Critically discuss the assessment process you will use to assess the students competence in these areas ensuring they are valid and reliable, this should include not only the methods of assessment but the criteria you will use. You must address accountability in relation to decision-making in the assessment process and will conclude with identified areas for future development as an assessor.
    1500 word limit.

    Work must be within the word limit. The word limit specified in module handbooks is the maximum number of words permissible and any excess will not be read or marked. The work that comes within the word limit will be assessed according to the guidelines. Therefore, if important parts of the assignment fall outside the word limit you are likely to fail the assignment. Appendices must be used appropriately and essential information placed within the text. Appendices, reference lists, tables and figures are not included in the word count.

    Relevant literature should be used throughout to support your work.

    Note: the marker will refer to your PBA when marking your essay so you do not need to repeat the detail of the assessment account within this word limit
    Type your response (limit 1500 words)

    Part 4: Reference List
    Type your reference list (not included in word limit)

    Unsafe practice
    If your records, particularly in the PBA section of the portfolio, have evidence of or appear to demonstrate unsafe practice the work will gain an overall fail grade. Unsafe practice is that which may cause harm to a service user or/and to the learner.

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