PowerPoint Presentation Injuries Related To Hazardous Conditions

    In Chapter 2 facilities and equipment are discussed. Injuries often occur because of poor facility maintenance and faulty equipment. These types of injuries can easily be prevented.  In this activity you will consider issues created by hazards common to facilities and equipment used in a sport you would like to coach. Please develop a power point that describes the sport chosen, the type of facility and equipment used, and at least 2 injuries that are directly related to hazardous conditions, poorly maintained facilities, or damaged equipment–do NOT describe ill-fitting shoes, poorly-sized helmets, choosing to not use safety equipment, etc.--these are human errors and not appropriate for this assignmentYou must clearly link the facility/equipment hazards to specific injuries common to participation in that sport. Lastly, describe how you would address these issues (hazards) as a coach to prevent the injuries chosen. The injuries and prevention strategies chosen must clearly relate to the physical hazards described–this connection is the entire point of the assignment. Your PPT should also include a minimum of 3 graphics.  I will be looking for the correct use of anatomical terms when describing the injuries (don’t just write their names), a detailed look at potential hazards chosen, and your method of preventing injuries.  If you are unsure if you’ve chosen “good” hazards, send me a message and ask.  Upload the assignment as a PDF file.


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