PowerPoint Assignment: Transnational Crime

    PowerPoint Assignment: Transnational Crime

    Explore a culture that has been linked to criminal behavior. At one time or another all cultures have had some link to criminal behavior, whether that’s organized crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, or civil disobedience. In a 12–15 PowerPoint slide presentation (excluding title and reference slides) complete the following:

    Identify one culture or ethnicity that has ties to transnational crime, and describe its links to criminal behavior.
    Evaluate its role in transnational crimes.
    Analyze and explain how this culture or ethnicity has had an impact on systems of justice.
    Be sure to discuss the role that socialization and religion play in shaping the beliefs of this culture. Provide examples determining why these beliefs are formed, and how culture and religion shaped these beliefs.

    Create a 16–18 slide (excluding title and reference slides) PowerPoint presentation that discusses the decision making process in a criminal justice organization. Base the presentation on a Criminal Justice organization you are familiar with from personal experience or select an organization through research.
    Discuss the decision making model and processes that pertain to the organization you selected.
    Include examples to support your discussion.
    Provide an organizational chart to demonstrate the organization’s structure.
    Format your work consistent with APA guidelines.
    Cite a minimum of two sources within the body of your paper using in-text citations where appropriate.
    Consult the Kaplan Online Library, and the internet or other course material in supporting your project.
    Include a cover slide and reference slide.

    1) Perspectives on police management have changed over time. The text references four new perspectives; Strategic Management, Command Accountability, Emotional Intelligence, and The Learning Organization. Select the one that you find most applicable to modern policing and explain why you have selected that perspective.

    2) Identify at least one major issue the law enforcement agency in the town you live in is facing. Put yourself in the place of the top administrator in this agency. Discuss both short- and long-term plans on how you would deal with this issue.

    ^^^^^Can you just pick something that you feel is a major issue in your city that you think you are facing!

    3) What has caused the human trafficking industry to grow? Give several examples and provide at least one example of a human trafficking case to support your ideas

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