Power Point Presentation 16

    Assignment Description & Length:
    Assignment Description
    This assignment builds on the Third Applied Communication Skills Project:Writing a Process Directive Memo. For this assignment assume that the CEO and other company executives were so pleased with your process directive memo that they asked you to create a presentation launching the mandatory initiative described in that memo.
    But company executives are concerned about buy-in from employees; they want to avoid a situation where employees begrudgingly attend the mandated activity described in your memo without understanding its importance or how the mandated activity will foster a culture of inclusion for transgender employees. Given these concerns your presentation is a persuasive one designed to motivate and to engage employees.
    Your PowerPoint presentation will be disseminated via an online platform. Employees will be required to view it prior to engaging in the activity described in your memo. When planning content and design review theStrategies for Persuading with Excellenceon pp. 260-264 of the text andPowerPoint and Other Supporting Aidson pp. 293-302 of the text. Furthermore the Module 4 Class 10 Supplemental Reading List contains additional resources about how to design engaging PowerPoint presentations.
    Because the specific presentation purpose is to motivate and to engage employees not to inform or to describe the mandated activity (i.e. that was the purpose of your process directive memo) limit your presentation tono more than 10PowerPoint slides.[1]
    Grading Rubics
    Exemplary Performance (score is 184 POINTS):A score in the exemplary performance range means that you have fully integrated the abstract concepts from the assigned reading materials into your persuasive presentation. Presentations in the exemplary performance range have some of the following characteristics:
    Flawlessly adhere to all of the assignments technical requirements (i.e. does not exceed 10 PowerPoint Slides was submitted by the assignment deadline etc.);
    Are effectively organized easy to read and contain very few typographical or grammatical errors;
    Are persuasive; in the context of this assignment persuasive presentations:
    oPrecisely adhere to the assignment criteria meaning that the subject-matter of the presentation corresponds to the mandated activity described in the process directive memo;
    oAre visually appealing meaning that the presentation engages the audience via visual elements that facilitate the presentation of the substantive content;
    oAdhere to persuasive techniques and strategies outlined in the assigned reading materials and clearly relate to the specific purposes outlined in the assignment handout.
    Proficient Performance (score is 160 but <184 POINTS):A score in the proficient performance range means that your persuasive presentation shows evidence of knowledge and understanding of the abstract concepts contained in the assigned reading materials but that some aspects of it need a bit more development. Presentations in the proficient performance range have some of the following characteristics: Adhere to most of the assignments technical requirements (i.e. does not exceed 10 PowerPoint Slides was submitted by the assignment deadline etc.); Are effectively organized and easy-to-read but contain slides or frames with a few typographical or grammatical errors; The overall presentation is persuasive but some aspects need a bit more development; examples include: oPresentations that adhere to most but not all of the assignment criteria; some examples include presentations that arent clearly related to the subject-matter of the process directive memo or that include some extraneous information that doesnt clearly relate to the subject-matter of the process directive memo; oPresentations that dont fully utilize the visual elements described in the supplemental reading materials or that dont fully facilitate the presentation of the substantive content; oPresentations that adhere to most but not all of the persuasive techniques and strategies outlined in the assigned reading materials or that dont fully relate to the specific purposes outlined in the assignment handout. Developing Performance (score is < 160 POINTS):A score in the developing performance range means that your presentation shows little evidence of knowledge and understanding of the abstract concepts contained in the assigned reading materials. Presentations in the developing range of ability have some of the following characteristics: Dont adhere to most of the technical requirements (i.e. is more than 10 slides was untimely submitted etc.); Are ineffectively organized and difficult to read because they contain slides or frames with so many typographical or grammatical errors that the viewer is forced to re-examine the material numerous times before fully grasping its meaning; Are unpersuasive; examples include: oPresentations that dont relate to the subject-matter of the process directive memo or presentations that include too much extraneous information that doesnt clearly relate to the subject-matter of the process directive memo; oPresentations that have no visual elements or that dont appropriately utilize the visual elements and techniques described in the supplemental reading materials or that dont facilitate the presentation of the substantive content; oPresentations that dont adhere to the persuasive techniques and strategies outlined in the assigned reading materials or that dont relate to the specific purposes outlined in the assignment handout.

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