Power-point and discussion

    Technology and Communication for Virtual Team Leadership presentation:The ability to function as a member of a cohesive group is imperative in the workplace. In most organizational settings individuals are more likely to be thrust into group situations (whether it be their function within a department or their role on a committee) rather than isolated as an independent contributor within the organization. According to Hackman and Johnson (2013) Technological advances enable teams to function across space and time. No longer do members have to meet face-to-face. Now individuals working in different geographic locations and at different times of the day coordinate their efforts throughvirtual teams (p. 228).create Assignment using the presentation software that you selected in Module 7 from Appendix B. Starting with Kurtzberg Chapter 9 Virtual Team Leadership explore best practices for virtual teamwork. Continue to explore best practices by researching scholarly and professional journals (within the last five years). Provide a discussion of best practices based on your reading and offer your analysis identifying the five most important practices for virtual teams in ranked order.
    Conclude with a discussion of practical tips including the use of technology and communication skills for effectively leading a virtual team that is related to your chosen concentration.
    Use one of these softwares and make Power-point 5 slides ecluding refernece. please be sure you be creative and elaborate on the presentation

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