Postpartum Depression,Care during labour

    Maternal Newborn: Scholarly Paper

    Purpose of the paper
    The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity for the learner to further practice research skills and critical analysis. You will be required to read 3 articles and provide a summary of each article and discuss how you could apply this new information into clinical practice.

    Format of the paper
    The paper will be written in a scholarly format including a cover page, and reference list. Each summary requires a proper introduction and conclusion. Proper sentence structure is required in addition to correct APA referencing and citing format. The assignment will be 4 pages (excluding title page and references). Each article will require 1 to 1.5 pages of writing.

    1. Each article must be from a current (< 5 years) scholarly nursing journal and Articles should be a reasonable length (not too short – i.e. longer than 3 pages) so that there is enough information to write about. 2. Use 2 articles related to postpartum depression, care during labour and 1 article on Watson. Each maternal newborn article must be on a different topic and must be from a different nursing journal. A minimum of one article must be a nursing research article. The article related to Watson’s theory may be related to any area of nursing as it may be difficult to find perinatal articles. You will need to discuss how you could use this in your own Maternal Newborn clinical practice. 3. Summarize the information you have read and identify 4 key things you have learned from each article. This is not a summary but an analysis of the information you have read, you must show comprehension of the article. 4. Identify 3 specific nursing actions for perinatal nurses to implement. The examples must show evidence of critical thinking and describe specific examples of how you can use this information (with which patients, how).

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