post wk7

    When Henry Ford began revolutionizing the automobile industry with assembly line production of affordable cars for the public the status quo for most people around the world was still transport by horse. You can just imagine the questions Henry Ford might have asked as he looked around at the status quo of the time. Perhaps he asked What if I could mass produce a type of transportation that everyone could afford? Ford’s innovations in business process allowed him to create a series of radical changes which would help to create what we recognize today as a modern lifestyle. Ford identified and challenged the initial resistance to changing the status quo that he faced.
    Is there a status quo in your work life that you think could be changed? In this Discussion you will cultivate some of the important skills needed to challenge the existing state of affairs in your work life. Start by looking around your current workplace or envision the workplace at an organization with which you are familiar and start thinking What if?
    With these thoughts in mind:
    By Day 3
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