position paper on vaccination in children, causing autism. im against vaccination

    position paper on vaccination in children, causing autism. im against vaccination

    For your 2-3 page single-spaced position paper, you should compose an argument that takes a position on a critical community conflict or debate. The issue you address should relate in some way to the organization you’re currently serving. You can use the topic you reported on for the last assignment, or you may focus on a new one. Your goal for this assignment is to address and persuade your opposition, so your intended audience should be specific readers who are likely to disagree with you on the issue.

    Position papers typically enter into conflict and assert claims based on well-supported points. Think stasis—what issue has produced a condition where there is no movement or progress? Key to your argument will be implementing strategies for persuading your opposition. A minimum of three pieces of research should inform your ideas and be integrated into your piece, and at least two of those sources should be from the ELIE databases.

    When you plan out your editorial, imagine that your document will enter the public sphere and persuade intended readers. First, you must conceive of an appropriate readership for your piece, and then imagine a public setting that could reach those readers (i.e., where would it be published or where would they find it?). Design your document so that it emulates the appropriate style, format, design, and citation that it would in its intended public setting.

    To receive credit for this assignment, your position paper must reflect the following criteria:

    Submit on time
    Appeal to a specific audience
    Enter into a conflict or debate
    Argue a clear position and attempt to persuade your opposition
    Integrate at least three pieces of research, two from ELIE databases
    Cite sources appropriately for a public setting
    Include effective visual communication and design


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