Portfolio and Accompanying Critical Reflection

    Portfolio and Critical Reflection
    Value: 60%
    Length: 2000

    Portfolio of writing (approximately 1500 words) and Accompanying Critical Reflection (approximately 500 words)

    You need to develop 3 pieces of writing covering 3 different genres. 

    Examples attatched 

    Ideally you should have a number of pieces/genres to choose from and it is appropriate that you include the best examples in your portfolio. Try to choose three distinctive genres and write to the particulars of each form in terms of register, style, content and form. This activity will allow you to develop diverse writing skills that can be used in the workplace as well as at University.
    You also need to develop a critical reflection describing the process tinvolved in developing your portfolio. Comparing and contrasting each piece of writing is a good way in which to address both differences and similarities in style, form, content and register.
    This assessment task is designed to enable you to engage in your writing and part of this involves identifying what constitutes good writing, and also the application of good writing principles.
    The aim of this assessment task is to provide you with the opportunity to: 

    • Write ar a level that meets professional expectations with respect to grammar, spelling, sentence construction, accuracy and clarity
    • Write effectively across a range of genres
    • Write competently in a range of registers, from formal to informal*
    • Identify what constitutes good writing in and outside of their professional fields
    • Be able to apply good writig principles
    * The fact that 3 different genres are required in the portfolio means that there will be shifts in register/tone relevant to the genre undertaken. The critical reflection will also require adopting an appropriate register that ideally is both engaging (requiring a degree of informaity) as well as formal enough to precisely identify the genres undertaken.

    It is recommended that you choose three of your best pieces of writing practised during the session and they need to be three different genres. It is also recommended that each writing form be a maximum of 500 words each. The three 500 word writing forms should come to a total of 1,500 words. Then set aside another 500 words for your Critical Reflection. All up your word count should be approximately 2,000 words give or take 10%. 

    If relevant also ensure that you provide in-text citations and a reference list if you source the work of others and this would normally be applicable to your critical reflection.

    Make sure your portfolio and your critical reflection meet basic expectations in regard writing fluently and correctly. Drafting, proofreading and editing are essential in creating polished pieces of work and this is important in both your portfolio of writing and your critical reflection.

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